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Reports of CCTCC Rides
Last updated on 18 October 2024

CCTCC FaceBook Group page.
Michelle's report on the August 2024 away ride to Scone area.
Weekly Reports -

Ready for the start - 13 October 2024
Capital Cycling in Canberra

Capital Cycling in Canberra - 13-16 October 2024 (Total 22 riders)
Thank you to all who came and enjoyed 4 days of relaxed cycling in the nation’s capital. A mix of team contributions, good weather (except for Monday evening) and relaxed and extensive rides made this a very successful trip. Most of the cycling was on dedicated cycle paths so Canberra lived up to its reputation as a Cyclists’ Paradise!

13 October – Border Escape
A short afternoon ride to get our legs moving after a long drive. In perfect spring weather we cycled east over the border to Queanbeyan where Sam Hunt, a Canberra resident, gave a short talk giving us information on the area. We enjoyed dinner at the Kingston Pub which was hopping this Sunday night.

14 October – Bound for Belco
Another perfect day. Our route took us north of Lake Burley Griffin past the AIS, around Lake Ginninderra, through Belconnen (Belco) to coffee and food at Jamieson Square. Then an exhilarating ride downhill ride past Black Mountain to the lake and back over Commonwealth Bridge. The scheduled BBQ was delayed till next night due to a storm.

15 October – LBG (Lake Burley Griffin) Circuit and tour of OPH (Old Parliament House)
A cool, grey day when we learned much about the political side of Canberra. On the ride around the lake Sue pointed out points of interest including “Yahoo Point” a peninsula opposite the GG’s (Governor-General's) house at Yarralumla where protestors shout their alternative views hoping to be heard by the GG . We cycled uphill to new Parliament House for a photo op then down Kings Avenue to Old Kingston. Here we had a relaxed lunch stop where some bought Banh Mi from the Vietnamese café. Then we cycled to Old Parliament House for the Insights Tour. Our bikes were safe as Greg kindly minded them. Our tour guide was a mine of interesting information which we took in while some of us dozed on the comfortable and soft House of Reps leather seats! One of the highlights was seeing Bob Hawke’s office – just as he left it. In cool Canberra weather we all ate heartily at the evening BBQ held in the grounds of the Caravan Park.

16 October – Tripping to Tuggers
By now a few of our group had returned home. Today 14 of us cycled south of the lake to Woden and on to Tuggers (Tuggeranong). Our early lunch stop at the McDonalds on the lake was enhanced by the pink blossoms and blue and white wisteria. In brilliant sunshine we continued back to the lake, fortunately the most aggressive magpie I have encountered on this route didn’t attack. Some cyclists drove home after the ride and the rest of us went to the Monaro Bistro for a delicious dinner.
More photos and comments on our FB Group Page here.

BBQ at the caravan park - 14 October 2024

Looks like the top of Tooheys Road, Kiar - 6 October 2024
CCTCC Rides - Sunday 6 October 2024 - New Jilliby Ride
Michelle took us along the river, the lake out into the country and several kilometres of gravel. Oh, and hills both the up and the down kind. A fun ride with the tops of some hills rewarding us with views.
Greg H

Morning tea at La Macchina, Northlakes Shops, with Danny and Paul - 6 October 2024

Greg's group at swing bridge at Cooranbong - 29 September 2024
Sunday 29 September 2024 - Morisset/Eraring Explorer
Weather not great, even so good turnout 15 riders. Greg leading and Michelle sweeping.
With a mix of cycleway, gravel and sealed roads and a few tight fence squeezes as well as some hills, everyone was kept on their toes. Greg (me) was navigationally challenged at times but we found our way along country roads and water canals that feed Eraring1 power station. Lots to see and apparently all enjoyed the change.
Danny was patiently waiting at Cooranbong to have lunch with us, always good to see him. [Thanks Greg!]

Lunch at our favourite café in Cooranbong - 29 September 2024

Glenn with his new bike at Gosford start - 15 September 2024
Sunday 15 September 2024 - Brisbane Water Circuit
Only 5 hardy cyclists met at Gosford for today’s ride, including Glenn with his new bike. The weather forecast was not great with extremely high winds and showers predicted. Len caught up with us at Woy Woy having been late on the train.
We pushed on into the wind, 4 pushbikes and 2 electric. Morning tea at Pip n Frankie’s in Davistown was good and it took a little urging to get the group back out on the road. We headed back into Gosford with some well-exercised legs and low batteries, but happy that we had safely achieved our ride. Thanks to Glenn and Col for sweeping. [Margaret and Danny went to Pip n Frankie's to join the group for morning tea, but there were no tables available, plus it was freezing cold so we went shopping instead. Think the group arrived after we left - Danny]
John H

Morning tea at Davistown - 15 September 2024
Sunday 8 September 2024 - Wyong to Lakes Beach around Budgewoi Lake clockwise
Sunday's ride was advertised as Lakes Beach but heading around Budgewoi. For a change I decided we would go clockwise which would save crossing Wilfred Barrett road twice. Seventeen riders started at Wyong heading out along Jensen road out to Toukley bridge. We headed out to North Lakes through Charmhaven where we joined the bike path to Budgewoi and onto Lakes Beach for coffee. Here we collected Tony who rode from Morisset as he missed the train. As we headed off we had a cold change with light showers. Back through Toukley, Gorokan along the bike path from Prawn Beach Lane and back to Wyong completing 48km. Thanks to Carol and Colin for sweeping and everyone for coming along.

Halfway break at BlueBell Park, Berkeley Vale - 1 September 2024
Sunday 1 September 2024 - The Entrance for coffee
Sunday 1st Sep, Father’s Day. A lovely ride from Wyong with 10 riders and picking up Nikki near the Tuggerah ovals and Sue at Bluebell park. Beautiful weather and busy pathways so Colin led us on the roads as much as possible. The Entrance Euro Bean cafe very busy, so we mostly did take away and sat at some tables nearby. We did a loop back through Toowoon Bay to Long Jetty. As we rode through the backstreets we spotted a poor bird tangled in fishing line, so after a little chase he was caught and Tony cut him free. He [the bird] was a little unsteady so we hope he is OK.
The wind decided to pick up a little, but a lovely ride back to Wyong. Thank you all for coming and thanks Col for leading and Paul for sweeping.

Coffee not at EuroBean - 1 September 2024

Looks like Dora Creek, on the first leg of the ride - 18 August 2024
Cooranbong Coffee Caper - Sunday 18 August 2024
Twenty-two riders met at Morisset station to enjoy this relaxed ride on a sunny Sunday morning. We had two newbies – locals Graham and Jenny.
We set out to cycle a circuit of Morisset Park and Trinity Point on the edge of Lake Macquarie where a new housing development is going ahead. We passed the restaurant ”8 at Trinity” which we were assured serves delicious meals worth every $. Returning to Morisset we cycled along Freemans Drive cycleway and turned off past the old Sanitarium factory (where Merrilyn once had a job packing Weetbix) to enjoy the peace of the grounds of Avondale University and check out the many goats, brown, white and one black goat.
Our usual café at Cooranbong was almost full so we scattered to other venues. Coffee at was slow coming but allowed more time to chat. Watagan Park was next on our route. This new estate is two-thirds complete and has grown considerably since our last visit. After enjoying smooth riding on new paths we reached the playground at the high point where Carol enjoyed her usual flying fox ride while we admired the views. Clouds were gathering as we made our way back by the University to Morisset station.
Danny couldn’t join us for coffee due to transport issues.
Thanks for coming and a special thanks to Graham and Merrilyn who helped Steve and me to plan the route. More photos on our FB Group page here.

A nice coffee venue for morning tea/lunch - 18 August 2024
Sunday 11 August 2024 - Coffee at Jilliby
Fifteen riders started at Wyong with the weather being mild and slightly overcast. The new bike path was followed around the lake before getting back on the roads to Gorokan and the rest stop adjacent to the Toukley bridge. The ride to Canton Beach was changed to use the safer crossing of Wilfred Barrett Drive near the Norah Head turn off. Safely across we headed for coffee and met Danny waiting for us.
The cafe was busy, but everyone was served in reasonable time which gave us time to look at the BOM Rain Radar. Thunder rumbled overhead and rain drops started to fall as we set off. By the time we were crossing Wilfred Barrett Drive, the rain had set in and the thunder was getting quite loud. Proceeding back to Wyong, the rain seemed to follow us and by the finish of the ride we were all quite wet, especially those that did not bring a rain jacket. No punctures made the ride straight forward, and thanks to Paul for sweeping.
[Sorry, no photos!]

Good turn-up at Lemon Tree - 4 August 2024 Thanks Greg for the photo!
CCTCC Ride Report - Coffee at Jilliby - Sunday 4 August 2024
Today’s ride was out to Lemon Tree and back to Narelle‘s and Michael‘s place for morning tea.
Quite a cool start to the morning but after we got out to the school we were starting to warm up. Jibby Road had quite a few potholes which we all managed to avoid. I decided to take us out Durren road which has a couple of hills which would avoid all the traffic heading out to the Orange picking - this proved to be quite good as there was no traffic along the route. When we arrived at the hall, mum took over and led the rest of the group out to Lemon Tree. Sue and I headed back to get morning tea ready. The group arrived back quite quickly by 12.00pm and we all sat around and had a nice morning tea and chat.
Thanks to Narelle and Michael for allowing us to use your property as a stopping point. Thanks to Sue and Glenn for the brownie and caramel slice. Luckily enough two lambs had been born only two hours earlier which was nice for everyone to see. I then led everyone back to where we had started the ride, with everyone happy and no incidents. Thanks to John and Jenny for sweeping and everyone who came today, I hope you all enjoyed your ride.

Morning tea at Narelle's farm at Jilliby - 4 August 2024

Comfort break at Woy Woy - 28 July 2024
CCTCC Ride Power to Impact - 28 July 2024
Hi all
For Sunday's ride Paul put on a nice cold windy day, with 9 riders showing for the windy ride to Impact Nursery at Empire Bay. Started out pushing against the wind going over Gosford railway, thereafter we were a bit sheltered against the Westerly. The first regroup was at the overpass at Point Clare with a slight incident with Narelle felling off her bike (no harm done) back on the bike and kept going. With another stop at Woy Woy then off towards the coffee-stop over the Rip bridge to the Nursery.
With the Nursery being shady it was quite chilly there and our old mate Danny waiting for us all rugged up.
After coffee we headed off back down Empire Bay Drive, back over the bridge, then riding some back streets back to Woy Woy, thereafter back to Gosford.
Lake Munmorah SRA - 21 July 2024
Good conditions today after yesterday's wind saw 17 riders front up for the Munmorah State Recreation Area ride. This is a new ride suggested by one of our members, we are always keen to try something different.
With Glenn leading the ride and John and Jenny sharing the sweeping duties, we were soon at Gorokan, through the back of Toukley and onto Budgewoi. Going under the bridge we rode along Elizabeth Bay Drive to the turn off to Munmorah SRA.
The road surface in the park is excellent, but there is a fairly steep hill to negotiate before a nice coast down to beautiful Birdie Beach where we stopped for a snack and a stroll to take in the view. We then took a narrow path to the camping area before making our way back up the hill to the Pacific Hwy.
Riding mostly on the main road we made our way back to coffee at Northlakes before returning through the wetlands to Wyong. An uneventful ride back through the wetlands gave us a total of around 60 kms. Thanks to those that rode, a good ride with no mishaps or the “ P” word (we don’t say it).

Halfway through today's ride - Buff Point, Edgewater Reserve - 7 July 2024
Sunday 7 July 2024 - Budgewoi Lake Loop
Meeting at Wyong, with good weather, 17 riders turned up for a ride around Budgewoi Lake. As Michelle was still recovering from her operation, I was asked to fill in. Thanks to Glenn for volunteering as sweep.
We headed off towards Tuggerawong to the new cycleway, then on to Marks Road where we picked up Len, making 18 riders. Continued on to Wallarah Point [Peace] Park to re-group. Using some back roads (Peel St) we cycled to Budgewoi, then followed the cycleway, by-passing a still unrepaired section by using Buff Point Avenue, with a toilet stop at Edgewater Park. Continuing on for our coffee stop at Northlakes Shopping Centre (La Macchina Café) where Danny and Linda were waiting to join us for coffee.
After coffee Anne and John D left us to head straight home, next to leave was Len at Bunnings.
We noticed dark clouds in the distance as we rode through the Wallarah Estate (Hamlyn Terrace) on to Minnesota Road. Heading back to Wyong to finish our ride ride just before the rain got to us. No Flats, everyone kept up and it was a pleasant ride.
Thanks to all who turned up.
Paul M

Nobody paying attention, La Macchina, Northlakes - 7 July 2024
Sunday 30 June 2024 - Newcastle Loop
Hi All,
Only four hearty souls turned up to brave the conditions today. The forecast said 100% chance of rain and it was 100% correct.
Nevertheless, we set out on time with Glenn leading and Narelle, Rob and Colin sharing the sweeping duties. Strangely there was not much traffic on the Fernleigh Track and we made good progress to Broadmeadow where it did start to sprinkle. As a group we decided to persist and and carried on to the Newcastle foreshore where a massive tanker was arriving - there is always something to see in a working harbour!
We rode Shepherds Hill in now-steady rain and welcomed our stop at Bar Beach, which again was uncrowded but also cold, windy and wet. Refreshed we reluctantly got back on the final push, the rain eased and even the sun came out briefly.
This is an interesting and varied ride of around 55km, through the bush of the Fernleigh, past the harbour and then onto the coast. Unfortunately the the weather gods were against us but thank you to those that were there, we will hopefully get a better day next time.
[No photos]

Intrepid riders at Bateau Bay - 23 June 2024
CCTCC 23 June 2024 - Crackneck Coo-ee
We started cycling in no rain and finished in no rain, but at The Entrance and Bateau Bay we got wet. Total of five started Crackneck Cooee ride, although a better title would be Backroads to Bateau (since no one ascended Crackneck). With Steve leading and Sue as sweep it was easy going around the lake as the cool damp weather kept folks away, but unfortunately we encountered puddles and mud along the way.
At Toowoon Bay Rod decided to leave us since he was experiencing a slow puncture. Four of us continued to Sutton Reserve at Bateau Bay for welcome refreshment. At an adjoining table was the Central Coast American Classics Car Club having just finished their BBQ. They offered us cake and took our photo.
As we set off the rain stopped and Sue took over the lead with Steve as sweep. We continued past Sir Joseph Banks Oval and along Tumbi Road to rejoin the lake path. Thanks to all for coming on this 45km ride – we aren’t just “fair weather cyclists”!
All The Rivers Run - 16 June 2024
Looking for report from someone.

Same group plus Danny, courtesy kind fellow patron
Umina For Coffee
Only seven riders at Lions Park this morning for the CCTCC ride. Great conditions meant that the path was quite busy with walkers and bikes, with some perhaps only using the path once a year. We set off with Glenn leading, in Anne’s absence, and Rod tending to the sweeper duties. It was incident-free to Woy Woy, or so we thought, until we realised that we had lost Rod with a flat on the way. The group continued to Umina whilst I went back to help him. He had replaced the tube only to find out the second tube was leaking as well. We fitted my tube which was not the correct size but it did the job, and we rejoined the group at the surf club. After a quick coffee stop (for us) and a look at the Tea Cosy exhibition (for Sue) we were back on the road. An uneventful ride back dodging the crowds and we were soon back in Gosford.
Thanks to Rod and Steve for sweeping, and Jane for her guidance through the back streets of the Peninsula.
So disappointed I missed the Tea Cosy Exhibition! Danny

Today's team with two furry mascots at Bluebell Park, Berkeley Vale
CCTCC Ride To The Entrance for Coffee - 2 June 2024
After the torrential rain of Saturday, the following day Sunday, the second day of winter, dawned dry and cold with not a drop of rain. Four hardy cyclists joined leader Narelle for a 40+km ride to the Entrance. Glenn and Col plus Sue on the bike for the first time after 280 days off due to training of Nels, a Seeing Eye dog now adopted by a family. Also the other Sue after a month away on holiday overseas. Narelle took the scenic route from Tuggerah Supa Centa till we joined Tuggerah Lake. We took the road to avoid enormous puddles on the lake path. Danny had reserved a table for us at the EuroBean coffee shop at The Entrance where we enjoyed refreshments. After coffee, then the necessary bathroom stop where a passerby noted “Busy at the toilets today” as we waited in the queue but no matter, as extra toilets were opened for us.
We joined the lake path at Long Jetty and stopped for a photo at soggy Bluebell Park. Thanks to the cyclists for wading through water so we could get a group photo – worth it as we posed with two gorgeous golden retrievers. Onwards to the car park to finish a great morning’s ride. Thanks to Narelle who maintained a steady pace, expertly navigated the route and ensured there was no rain!

CCTCC riders lined up outside Pip 'n' Frankie Café at Davistown Ferry Wharf - 26 May 2024
Sunday 26 May 2024 - Brisbane Water Loop 26 May 2024
What a glorious day for a ride which was my first one as a qualified leader. 11 enthusiasts turned up at Gosford for our Brisbane Water Circuit. Our group also included Jennifer and Graeme who have ridden with the club before and came back today to visit.
We headed off along the cycleway to Pelican Park at Woy Woy where Merilyn and Graeme caught up with us. Our group of now 13 headed across the Rip Bridge and down through Empire Bay and Kincumber to Davistown for morning tea. Unfortunately, the Little Teapot is no longer open on Sundays so we went to Pip & Frankie’s near the ferry wharf. Danny and Margie were there and had reserved a big table.
Pip & Frankie’s was very busy but we finally got our orders. The food and the coffee - fortunately - was good. Debra [John's wife] opted out of the big hill near Green Point and caught the ferry back to Woy Woy. The remaining 12 of us had an uneventful ride back to Gosford.
Thanks to Colin and Jenny for sweeping.
I would also like to thank Paul, Anne, Col Frame and Jenny for their coaching and support to enable me to become a leader for our club.

Calm water at Davistown - 26 May 2024
Warnies for Coffee - Sunday 19 May 2024
Only 8 riders this morning for the Warnies for Coffee. Perhaps the cool weather and overcast conditions put some off. Anyway we set off on time, with Glenn leading and Graeme doing the sweeping duties. We were soon at the bike path which had thankfully been cleaned up after the recent rains, the debris and weed piled up on the grass verges.
We carried onto Kanwal shops and across the pacific highway, before crossing Sparks road and on to Mataram Ridge. On bike paths mostly we made our way to Mataram road and Hakone road, before heading west. We found the road closed at the new development so doubled back to Hiawatha road towards Sparks road again.
Crossing over we were soon on Warnervale road and onto a fairly busy Warnies cafe, where Danny was there to greet us. The service was good and we were soon on our way, returning via Minnesota road. An uneventful but good ride, the weather cleared and warmed up during the morning making conditions excellent, thanks to all.
Shelly Beach for coffee - 5 May 2024
Only five riders today, the weather forecast of 50mm of rain and possible flash flooding obviously kept some away. However, we set off under leaden skies with our jackets on. Glenn leading with Carol and Colin sharing the sweeps duties. We had a new rider today, David from the Toukley club.
We avoided the flooded bike path by sticking to the road via Tumbi Umbi and were soon at Shelley Beach. It was not too busy and we were able to get a table and the service was fine. We set off on our return journey still with an eye on the sky but the rains never came, the entire ride was dry! An uneventful ride on the way back via a different route and largely avoiding the mud and flooding.
Thanks to those who came and braved the forecast, you can sometimes be lucky!

Re-group at Toukley Bridge - 29 April 2024
29 April 2024 - Newcastle Flyer
Seven riders headed off from Wyong this morning for the Newcastle Flyer, the longest ride on the calendar. Greg was originally going to lead this ride but is unfortunately out of action at the moment, so Glenn filled in and Colin swept up at the rear.
A perfect day as we set off and we soon arrived at Gorokan, where we were greeted by Danny, as well as Keith and Len making a total of nine riders.
Continuing through Toukley and onto Budgewoi we chose to ride through the the Munmorah SRA, which although hilly is actually shorter than the main road. On the highway now and the rolling hills towards Swansea and finally well-earned stop at the Bakers Den, where we met Marshall and also Danny again, complete with support vehicle. Danny offered a ride home and tempting as it was we all got back on the bikes for the last leg on the Fernleigh Track.
Marshall showed us the completed work on the missing link between the golf course and Belmont tafe but unfortunately the bridge is not yet open, it should be finished within a few months.
We quickly put the Fernleigh behind us and onto Broadmeadow station where we timed it perfectly and jumped straight on the train back to the Central Coast.
A good ride, great weather and good company, thanks to everyone.

Lunch at Baker's Den, Blacksmiths - 29 April 2024
Sunday 21 April 2024 - Tuggerah Lake Circuit A/C
Six riders today, led by Nicolette. Rainy-looking earlier but turned out fine, sorry all you guys who stayed home.
Plenty of water on the bike paths so had to be careful. Got a bit wet at times but couldn't be helped - at least we had a ride. Not much detail in this report as I didn't ride it, just making it up.
We got to The Entrance without much trouble, finding Danny and Rod (Nikki's hubby) at the Euro Bean with our tables all organised. Thanks for the photos Nikki!
Afterwards we rode up Wilfred Barrett Drive to Toukley and over the Toukley Bridge and made our way back to Wyong for a well-executed 50km ride. Thanks everyone for coming and whoever rode sweep.
CCTCC Club South Coast Holiday - April 2024
Sixteen riders gathered in Bomaderry for this ride, 2018 was the last time we had ridden it. The two previous rides had been plagued by poor weather but conditions were good as we set off. The south coast had a lot of rain in the previous week but the sun was shining.
Day 1 - Bomaderry to Huskisson - We crossed the new bridge to Nowra and skirted around the township, before heading out of town on a good bike path towards the airport. The roads were a bit chopped up after the recent rains but we made good progress in spite of a few rises. We eventually turned off the Braidwood road onto a good dirt road and headed east towards the coast. This part of the ride is really pretty, through farmland and providing glimpses of Point Perpendicular. We were soon at the Princes Hwy, crossing safely before making a quick dash to the Jervis Bay turnoff. From there we turned onto the quieter Woollemia road that runs all the way to Huskisson. Our accomodation at the Holiday Haven was excellent and we enjoyed a gear meal at the Huskisson Hotel.
Day 2 - Loop ride Huskisson to St George’s Basin - Again the weather was kind to us as we set out on the excellent bike path that follows the bay past Vincentia, Plantation Point and eventually on to Greenfields beach. We had an extended stop there and a talk on the 1964 collision between the HMAS Melbourne and the Voyager, which tragically resulted in the loss of over 80 sailors.
We retraced our path back to Vincentia before turning inland towards Sanctuary Point. We stopped for coffee at Bakery Expresso, which had been recommended to me by a local cyclist I know (it is owned by his brother!). It turned out to be more than satisfactory, with a good range of cakes and pies. Refreshed, we headed out of town on backstreets and made our way to St George’s Basin. From there it was “undulating” country roads to Tomerong and back to Huskisson. A good ride with some hills to challenge the thighs. Dinner that night was supplied by the club, thanks to all who contributed to a good evening.
Day 3 - Huskisson to Bomaderry - The weather gods turned on us a bit today, but it wouldn’t be a south coast ride with out a bit of rain! Undaunted we set off under leaden skies and were soon on Husky Ferry, which took us across the creek to the sleepy village of Myola in two trips. An excellent ride, no seasick tablets required! From there we picked up another good bike path to Callala Beach and onto Callala Bay where we stopped for coffee. Again the coffee stop was good and well-timed, as it rained quite heavily whilst we were inside the cafe. From there we reluctantly set off in now-light rain, with four of us heading back to the ferry and the rest continuing to Bomaderry via the historic Jindy Andy. No incidents on the way back except for Andrew’s water bottle, that unfortunately was run over by a local motorist. We were soon back at Bomaderry and in spite of rain not too wet.
Thank you to all the group that rode, the punctuality, good humour and discipline of the group made it easy to lead.
And thank you to John, Michelle and Jenny for sweeping.
More photos on the FB Group page here.

Re-group before heading down Burns Road to Enterprise Drive (thanks Lynnie for the photo) - 24 March 2024
Gosford/Tuggerah Loop - 24 March 2024
Perfect weather today and a great turnout, 20 riders gathered at Gosford sailing club for the Tuggerah Loop ride. One new rider today, Bob, welcome Bob, he has already joined our happy friendly group. Over the Brian McGowen bridge, through Adcock Park and out onto the lights to cross over onto Racecourse Road, up on the roadway and then onto the great pathway all the way to Showground road where Rod had a flat. Thanks to John Hall's great experience with cycling, he changed Rod's tyre with a bit of trouble with left-over glue in the tyre, then on our way again. Through Narara and Niagara Park then along the Pacific Highway to Ourimbah and Burns Road and Enterprise Drive. The verge was amazingly clear, I think the council knew we were going to ride on it today.
On the footpath along Wyong road and over the railway bridge at Tuggerah and left onto Kangy Angy Road (Pacific Hwy). We split into 3 groups to help with traffic and rode through the lovely tree-lined Kangy Angy Road, regrouping on the flat, riding on to meet Danny at Heatherbrae pies for coffee etc.
After a nice break, I told everyone we would be going back the same way as we came. So through Ourimbah, Niagara Park, Narara and on towards West Gosford. A steep ride up the last part of Showground road, as we turned right at the top of Showground road, a few riders turned left and rode over the railway bridge and through to Manns Street, Gosford. They were already back by the time we reached the Sailing club, so thankfully all back in one piece.
I have learnt from this, make sure EVERYONE is listening when you are giving instructions and if the group is this big, I will next time get off my bike and walk to the middle of the group to give directions.
Leaders are only human, and we are also volunteers for this position. I took quite some time to go over this ride, as all leaders do, small mistakes happen, but we do all look out for each other and we all got back safely.

A lovely place for lunch, the Heatherbrae Pie Shop - 24 March 2024
Péloton on the way to EuroBean - 17 March 2024
Sunday 17 April 2024 - Training Ride to The Entrance
Only 6 riders turned out today, due to the rain. We were worried we might get a lot of rain so changed our ride to The Entrance being more pathways and not so much on the road. Carol and James were being assessed by Paul (Master Leader) as they are going for their Leaders test the end of April. Well done to you both and good luck with the test in April. Always good to have new leaders.
We only had a bit of rain in the beginning and then pretty clear all the way to The Entrance. Poor Danny thought I (Jenny) had a fall, but it was all part of the training, thanks Danny for offering to pick me up! A smooth easy ride as not too many people on the pathways.
Danny joined us for Coffee at Eurobean at The Entrance, saving a table under the shelter, as a little more rain was falling at the time. Nicolette's hubby, Rod, also joined us.
Back on our bikes and James' turn to be assessed by Paul. Good ride back up Grandview and down Shelly Beach Road, a bit busy, but all safely back to the lights at Long Jetty.
Regrouped and a nice ride back to Wyong, with nothing more to report. I bet a few of you are kicking yourself for not riding, it was a great ride, mostly dry.
Thank you Jenny! Also notice link to Jervis Bay Ride Agenda above. Also thanks to Nicolette for the photos! - Danny.
Morning tea with support staff (emergency doctor and ambulance driver) Rod and Danny. Paul not paying attention - 17 March 2024

CCTCC péloton near Empire Bay (I think), Colin fronting.
CCTCC Brisbane Water Circuit - 10 March 2024
We did The Brisbane waters loop. Prospective new leader, John, leading to Blackwall and then Colin taking us to The Little Teapot which welcomes bikes. Many of us enjoyed treats! Most rode on to Gosford then with Greg turning off at Erina close to home. Paul swept up. Conditions were good with a pleasant breeze and no flat tyres or mechanical failures.
Greg H.
Thanks Greg for your voluntary ride report and superb photo. Danny

Carol's photo, top of a pyramid - 3 March 2024
CCTCC Ride 3 March 2024 - Three Peaks of Olympic Park
Fifteen starters met at Strathfield Plaza for an early coffee before heading off to Olympic Park. Most people caught the early train from the Coast and had plenty of time for sustenance and chat beforehand. It was a warm sunny morning and it looked like an ideal riding day. We set off with Sue in the lead, and Steve as the sweep.
The first part of the ride involves a bit of traffic through Homebush and across Parramatta Road, but then it’s into the park and on to the bike paths. Quite a lot of folk out and about, on foot and on bikes, and we had to proceed with some care to start with. We rode along the Rhodes waterfront and over the John Whitton railway bridge and down to the riverside at Meadowbank. We picked up the PVC (Parramatta Valley Cycleway) westwards to Silverwater, crossed over the river again and back into Oly Park.
We ascended the first of our peaks (the River Marker) without any difficulty, and then up the hill to Woo-La-Ra. This is probably the steepest climb on the whole ride, but doesn’t count as a Peak. The name (we are told) means “seen from afar”. It shares its name with a rather exclusive Sydney suburb, and Adrian observed that the name probably means “impossibly expensive”.
Then it was up the second Peak, Haslam’s Marker, for views over the creek and the suburb of Newington (formerly the Olympic Village). Carol thought it was a good place to make a movie of us all descending the Peak. Coffee was beckoning by this stage, and soon we were at Newington Marketplace for coffee and lunch. There are plenty of options there and it’s a good place for a break and a chat.
Following coffee, we headed back into the park, past the Archery, and on to the final Peak, the Bay Marker. This has been closed to riders for a while, reason unknown, but is now open again. That concluded the Three Peaks and we headed back towards Strathfield and the station. A few riders left us before the end, but the remainder all made it back by about 1.00pm.
Thanks to all for coming, the weather was great, and we all had a good and somewhat different day out.

Crossing the bridge - 3 March 2024

Happy club group at Impact café - Sunday 25 February 2024
Sunday 25 February 2024 - Power on to Impact
Two reports today for the price of one -
Glenn - Eleven riders departed from Gosford today for this ride. A cool breeze and lower temperature made for good cycling conditions. Glenn led and Paul did the sweeping up. There was quite a few walkers on the path but we made good progress, picking up Josie on the way.
On to Woy Woy, over The Rip Bridge, through Empire Bay and we were soon at our destination Impact nursery cafe. They were quite busy but fortunately we had booked a table and were soon settled.
The mozzies were not too bad and the service, location and food was excellent. We picked up another rider, Greg, and even saw Danny and Margaret as we were about to leave. It was good to see Danny up and about after his recent off.
Refreshed, we were soon on our way and even saw Roy on the way home, now back on the bike and improving.
No incidents on the way home, a nice ride of around 45 kms, thanks to all.

Jenny - 25th Feb Gosford to Empire Bay
Ten riders set off from Gosford Sailing Club for a lovely ride to Impact nursery and cafe, Empire Bay, led by Glenn. A lovely cool morning with a lot of people on the paths after a rainy day yesterday.
We picked up Josie along the way, so now 11 of us on the ride. Safe riding by all, and under and over The Rip Bridge with a bit of traffic to contend with as we crossed the road. Up and down a few back streets then onto Empire Bay drive. A good verge for safe riding then back across the road and arriving at the Cafe.
They were nicely prepared for us, tables with cold water ready to go. Greg suddenly caught up with us, he had a sleep-in, luckily arrived in time for coffee. Very nice coffee and treats, great service. Oh, as we were lined up to pay and leave, Danny and Margaret arrived, forgetting we had started our ride at 8am not 9am, what a shame, I hope they enjoyed their coffee.
Back mostly the way we came, with no upsets along the way. John and Deb left us at Ettalong and Josie left at Woy Woy to catch the train. It was warming up as we got back, but a great day for a ride. Thank you all for coming and thank you Glenn for a great ride, and Paul for sweeping.

Danny - Yeah, forgot about the 0800 start, but the Ride Calender did say 9 o'clock, but seeing I put it there that is no excuse. Everybody else got there on time! At least we had a chance to say hello to everyone before they all shot through leaving us to dine in solitude. So as you know I won't be riding bicycles ever again, but want to stay in touch and continue to publish these reports. Too dangerous at my age (80) and with no-one to look after me if I come to grief again (an inevitability) I can't take the chance. Cheers! Thanks Nikki for the photo!

Wyong contingent at Ourimbah rendezvous - 11 February 2024
Sunday 11 February 2024 - Hidden Valley
The start took place at two different venues today - Gosford for the main group, and Wyong for the Toukley mob. This report won't include anything that happened to the Gosford crew when they weren't with the northerners. Six riders started at Wyong at 8.30am and about 15 at Gosford at 8.00am, so 21 altogether. However we all met up at Ourimbah Creek Road (OCR) in Ourimbah at about 9.10am and rode out along that beautiful country road to the end.
Weather was superb - cloudy, mild, a slight breeze from the SE and no rain or hail.
Greg promised some alpacas for me but there were only three, and they stayed way up the back of the paddock. However I did get some little goats in Farmer Friendly's paddock, and some nice horses up the road.
Back down the OCR and along Footts Road to Palmdale, then back down the highway to Heatherbrae Pies, as the other café and nursery have closed. Those pies are so delicious, and the coffee is excellent. Back to Burns Road, then catching Enterprise Drive back to Wyong Road for our trip home. I finished up doing 70km, riding from home. Other Wyong starters managed 47km, and the Gosford crew 58, except Colin F starting from Woy Woy got 86km - good work!

Morning tea at Heatherbrae Pies - 11 February 2024

Greg's photo of us at Wyong before starting - 4 February 2024
Sunday 4 February 2024 - Wyong to Norah Head
Eight o'clock Sunday morning and twenty-five of us are ready at the toilets at Wyong for a pleasant ride to Norah Head for coffee, with Michelle leading. Only trouble is Michelle's bike decided not to co-operate and threw a spoke. Paul kindly gave her his front wheel and we were on our way. Paul missed out but drove to coffee and joined us there. Conditions were excellent with a nice easterly breeze, sunny and warm.
Such a big péloton, we thought about breaking into two separate groups, but nobody wanted to. Back to Pollock Avenue and into Jensen Road right to the other end and making our way to Toukley. No dramas, except for the usual car full of teenage idiots telling us their demented views. I wish their own grandparents could see them talking to us like that.
Along Canton Beach and Evans Road to the east end, and on the bike path to Wilfred Barrett Drive (WBD), where we turned back towards Norah Head again. Michelle suggested we could go to two different cafés, but that didn't happen either. We all rocked up at Das Beach Haus and were served in due course and enjoyed our coffee and stuff.
Greg decided to head straight home down WBD rather than wait for coffee. Barry decided his presence would be betther appreciated at home too, so off he went. As we had the early start it wasn't very late when we started off back, snaking down past the cemetery and the Toukley Sailing club, who were getting ready for an afternoon of sailing, even though there was no perceptible breeze at that time.
Back over the roller-coaster and down to Prawn Beach Lane where we took some more photos, and Linda also headed home. I stuck with the club till we popped put at Rocky Point then I also went home, 55km for me, and about 45 for the basic ride.
Thanks everybody for coming - a big turn-out - and thanks to Michelle for leading, and to our sweeps, including James and maybe Colin Thanks to our photographers.

Pit-stop at Toukley Bridge, also Greg's pic - 4 February 2024

Warnie's for morning tea (Nikki's photo) - 28 January 2024
Sunday 28 January 2024 - Mataram Ridge and Warnies
A healthy number of 19 riders fronted up this morning for this ride. It is a relatively new ride, appearing for the first time on the last calendar. Glenn was the leader, with John and later Paul looking after the sweeping duties.
It was a bit of a false start with some bike problems straight away, but Paul and Tony were able to sort it out fairly quickly and we were soon on our way together.
We chose to go on the excellent bike path from Palmer Street, Rocky Point, and followed it all the way to Wyongah where we rejoined the road and made our way to Gorokan. Crossing the Pacific highway we followed the path and some backroads to Mataram Ridge and Hakone Road, Woongarra. Through the new estates, across Sparks Road and finally on to Warnies cafe. Danny was holding court at the café and showing off his new scar. It was good to see him and I’m sure he’ll be back riding soon.
Even though they were busy at the café, they got the coffee and food out pretty quickly, and we soon were on our way. Return was via Minnesota Road, and we were back at our vehicles pretty quickly. The distance was only around 35kms, but this area is constantly changing with new roads and paths being constructed so the ride could change in the future.
Thanks to the group for being patient and riding in a safe manner.

Everyone enjoying the coffee break at Warnies (Danny's photo) - 28 January 2024

A welcome break during the trip along the M7 (Greg's Pic) - 21 January 2024
Light Horse Loop – 21 January 2024
Twelve hardy cyclists met at Bella Vista Metro Station arriving either by car or metro and we set off for Good Fella, a local café for an early coffee. As there was a shortage of seats at the café we moved crates to sit on ”What a crate idea” said John E. We were about to start the ride when we realised Paul M was not with us. He was stuck in the bathroom and couldn’t get out. The bathroom had a complicated key and exit system and it took him a while to work out how to escape, but then we were on our way.
We followed the M7 cycleway till the Western Sydney Parklands and enjoyed the peace and greenery of the route. Unfortunately no deer were sighted but both Greg and I have seen them on this track. At Nurragingy Reserve we cycled past the miniature railway. As we emerged from the Parklands, Suzie on her electric bike had a flat. Duncan and Steve stayed with her till it was quickly fixed by Duncan and they cycled direct to the TNB café at Rooty Hill. Meanwhile Sue took the main group on to the Light Horse Interchange where some other cyclists were resting on very expensive bikes (upwards of $10,000). Then it was back to TNB Rooty Hill where we all regrouped.
As our usual Vietnamese café on the other side of Rooty Hill station is closed till February, we had coffee (iced or hot) at TNB, a modern café favoured by cyclists, on the other side of the station.
It was a well-paced hot ride back to Bella Vista. With frequent stops we were back at Bella Vista Metro Station in good time to avoid the highest temperature of the day.
A great ride with lots of interest, thanks to everyone for coming and enjoying Western Sydney.
Sue (Leader) Steve (Sweep)

Group in shade, M7 path - 21 January 2024

Resting at Gorokan near Toukley Bridge - 14 January 2024
CCTCC Ride Wyong to Soldiers Beach - 14 January 2024
A rainy day was forecast, and so it was. Cloudy, windy and wet! Still, nothing short of a gale stops this club from riding, so 15 riders turned up at Wyong bowling club expecting a refreshing ride in the outdoors.
Meanwhile, I had forgotten about the 0800 start, and as I logged on to my Strava at 0810, I saw a message on WhatsApp from Tony and Rae about not getting to the start till ten past eight. I was thus able to re-schedule my ride not to Wyong but to Toukley Bridge, where I arrived at 0820, far too early. I rode back towards Wyong and met the others at Marks Road where they were waiting for me.
It rained continuously till we got to Norah Head and ordered our coffee. We rode first up to Soldiers Beach where the kiosk was looking very sad and lonely with no patrons, as they have no covered dining area. Even at the Beach Haus, when it did stop raining for a few minutes, the drips from the trees kept falling on us, so we ate inside as there was a spare table which the early birds had grabbed for us. I met an old friend, Merle, from the Toukley club, and we had a quick chat. So good to see her again.
Jenny led us back, and James swept up, even though he had no rear brake as his cable-operated disk had lost its nipple. As I had ridden only about 25km, I decided to join the crew on their return journey along the Tuggerawong bike path. They had done the first leg without me, going up Pollock Avenue and along Jensen Road. As we cruised up towards Rocky Point, the rain became heavier and harder than ever, with the wind reaching 15-20 knots from the south, so I decided to abandon the ride at Jensen Road alleyway and go home. I finished up doing 40km, while those doing the full ride managed 42km, so not much diff.
Thanks to Jenny for leading us on a very enjoyable if soggy ride, and James and Col for sweeping up. We had a new guy, Barry, who used to ride with us 30 years ago (when he was maybe 20?), so welcome Baz!

Prawn Beach Lane, on the way back to Wyong - 14 January 2024
For previous reports contact the webguy.